When anyone first gets into a hobby, they have questions, lots of questions. Some of the answers can be found in books or online, but like any hobby, ham radio has a lingo all its own. For the newcomer, the lingo can be very intimidating. Being in a club allows one to absorb some of the language just by hearing it in context. Most hams are only too happy to explain it to someone else as well.
Where the question of equipment is concerned, the choices are overwhelming. Club members can make sense of the choices and direct the tyro to solutions that make sense for his or her unique situation. People live in different kinds of communities and have different restrictions on what they can put up for antennas. Within the home, the space available for Amateur Radio might be a whole room, or it might be just a little space on a desk somewhere. Spouses also have different ideas on what and where they will be happy with radios in the house or the car. Since family always must come first, the advice of more experienced operators can be invaluable in getting Amateur Radio and your own personal zoning board to happily coexist.
Inevitably, at some point, the new ham operator is going to come up against a problem. It could be equipment related or antenna related or any of dozens of other problems. Trying to work it out alone can be difficult, to say the least. If you belong to a club, it is a simple task to ask another member with more experience for help or advice. Down the road, someone will be asking you similar questions and suddenly you realize that you have become the expert that newcomers look to for help.
Membership Levels
Full Membership
Single Membership, $25.00 Yearly
- FCC Licensed Radio Amateur
- 18 or older
- Voting Member
Family Membership, $35.00 Yearly
- A family of 2 or more FCC Licensed Radio Amateurs
- 18 or older
- Voting Members
Associate Membership
Associate Membership, $20.00 Yearly
- No FCC License Required
- Non-Voting Member

Ready to join?
Sign up online at hamclubonline.com (club callsign W5MWC) or fill out our membership form!
Need to Renew?
If you need to renew your membership you can do so online by clicking the button to the right. You can also pay in person at any club event or at any club meeting. Finally you can mail in your membership payment (same prices as above) to:
P.O. Box 30512
Midwest City, OK 73140
Be sure to include your name and call sign with your payment.