Monthly Meeting

1st Saturday of each month @ 10:00am

Note: Our regular meeting location, "In Town Southern Dining", has closed as of Oct 20th, 2024.

We are still deciding on a new location and will be moving around until we settle on a permanent location.

March 1st, 2025 - meeting will be at Swadley's. 6905 SE 29th, Midwest City.  They have breakfast available, but they stop serving at 10:00am, so if show up early for breakfast.  We will be meeting in the back room if it is available.

This meeting is open to all. If you are interested in the club, feel free to come on by.  We typically discuss upcoming events, past events, club business, and sign up volunteers for the monthly Midwest City Siren test that occurs just after the meeting at Noon.

Monthly MONDAY NIGHT Tech Meeting

2nd Monday of each month @ 6:30pm

The February meeting was at  - Thanks to Donald Ohse W5DRO

The March 10th, 2025 meeting will be at the KFOR TV station: 444 E Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK

Please park in the marked "Visitor Parking". You will be let in the main entrance (west door), there are a series of secure doors to be let in to before going into the main part of the station.

W3LEO will be the one letting you in. Please arrive on time. Also if you arrive early, please wait until about 6:25pm to head in.

This meeting is open to all. If you are interested in the club, feel free to come on by.  We typically have a technical presentation given by a member or guest and general discussion.

Presentation Info


Every Saturday Night @ 8:00pm
W5MWC Primary Repeater (444.000 MHz)

Open discussion for all topics suitable for transmission on Amateur Radio bands.