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About Us
Our Mission
Our Story
Mid-Del Amateur Radio Club was founded in 2011 by four amateurs with the same idea of having a club to enjoy radio, partner with the City of Midwest City in providing public service for them. We monitor the storm sirens on the first of the month, provide radio support for special events.
We host a Volunteer Examiner testing session once a month, provide classes for license class upgrade. Plan monthly club events for fellowship and radio QSO.

Meet the Administrative Team of the Mid-Del Amateur Radio Club.

Cameron McAntire, KC5ZHU
Retired Oklahoma City Police Officer, he holds his Amateur Extra Class License and is an ARRL accredited VE.

Leah Ohse, W3LEO
Vice President
She holds her Amateur Extra Class License and is an ARRL Accredited VE, married to W5DRO and mother of two.

Sarah Slavens, N5ERA
Sarah received her Technician License in 2019 and currently hold a General License.

Stan Hall, N5TAN
First licensed as a General 2013 and currently holds his Amateur Extra Class License and is an ARRL accredited VE.
Current Membership Roster
Members can view the current membership roster on